2022 is here! It was only yesterday when we were locked down in 2020, and 2 years have passed since. Not just the time, but the importance of Videos in marketing has skyrocketed in these 2 years. Further in this blog, we will present a few numbers that will leave you amazed about the growth.
A moment to rewind
What are the 2 most used apps during these 2 years? Tik Tok and Instagram. TikTok, with its simple yet varied video content, saw amazing growth. Also, the same mechanism being added to Instagram made it see the highest numbers.
Before we dive into why you should include Video Marketing in your strategy, let us review how video marketing has changed over the years. From the long-form content that has made its space in the Digital marketing world, today is all about short-form content. But, that hasn’t shown a slight impact on the long-form content. With the number of videos increasing rapidly, every platform is actively working on integrating video marketing services. So, if you’re looking to market video content, today is the right time.
With all these numbers in play, you can easily decide that videos should be a part of your marketing strategy. If you’re not entirely convinced with the numbers that we presented above, let us give you the basic role of videos in today’s world of marketing.
Inspire → Impress → Sale
This is one of the biggest formulas in the marketing world. The first step to lead a customer to create a sale is to inspire them. And, videos make this step drastically easy. This is because videos have a storyline. They keep the audience interested in what’s about to happen. Moreover, videos can be created for every phase of your strategy. In order to impress, you need to include a video that attracts the crowd with the USPs of your product or service. Showing the benefits in a video has shown great results for many brands across the world.
Build Brand Trust
What’s the common way of marketing? Videos, no doubt. From mobiles to cars, today every brand is using videos as a way to better present themselves and their products. Introducing yourself or a new product with videos is an effective and efficient way to market.
Integration of SEO
Everybody uses search engines on a daily basis. Be it Google or Bing, you can now observe that for every term you search for, the search engine presents you videos based on your search term. So, the integration of videos content into SEO has proved greatly effective in the marketing world.
These are only a very few reasons why you should start thinking of including videos in your marketing strategy. So, if you do consider it, you should have an amazing team to meet your needs. That’s where we come in. We are a Video Production Team that can provide you with all the types of videos you need. Be it for your whole brand or for a product or service you provide, we can handle it all. Interested? Connect with us.